This morning I've been enjoying my back porch, drinking my coffee and messing around on the computer. I am jonesin' for the beach more than I can say. I've got my bathing suits ready. My sunscreen is bought.
So I typed in Summer on Pinterest to lust over sand and surf. All of these skinny surfing girls in their bikinis popped up. Bummer. Why can't big girls surf too? I Googled "Fat Girls Surfing". Honestly, just to Pin for some variety. And this is what popped up: Fat Girl's Guide to Surfing. I read. How awesome! Great articles on the site so if you are inclined, go take a peek! It inspired me to share with the class.
Last summer I went stand up paddleboarding and I can't tell you how liberating it was. Sometimes I don't attempt things because in my head I think, "you're too big to do that!" But honestly, fear? Really? Am I really going to let my size stop me from doing something awesome? From having a cool adventure? Are you going to let that stop you?
Last July, I put my hesitations aside, put on the life jacket and jumped on the board for demo day at Paris Mountain State Park in Greenville. It was one of the best times ever. As soon as I actually get to the coast I'm jumping on one of these in the big water.
You can't believe I posted that picture right? I can't believe it either, honestly, but I'm taking one for the team here to prove a point. Look at that girl smiling. Was she worried about her size? No! I was having fun damnit! Probably more than anyone else there!
It's bathing suit season. I can't tell you how many of my big girl friends (and even not so big girlfriends) have sworn off bathing suits because they are embarrassed of their body. Or how many of them refuse to take off their t'shirts when they hit the sand. I'm going to share something with you. You are beautiful too! You deserve to have the best life possible, and God's great big sun should shine on your skin just as much as any other! Don't let the "lb's" stop you from living your life. Lose the weight or don't. That's your prerogative, but while you're pondering, figure out how to love the skin you're in. And get out there.
1 comment:
I really enjoyed this post Nicole! Thanks for sharing such true words with the rest of us!
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